Guntry Club of Maryland
The Guntry Club of Maryland was conceived as a unique public / private organization dedicated to combat training, firearm safety and tactical response. The client is one of the largest private security firms in the Mid-Atlantic region and in order to meet the firm’s strict training requirements, they were left to continuously rent space from multiple area gun ranges.
In order to meet their training demands, it was necessary to build their own, independent facility. The Guntry Club was formed from an opportunity to draw in the general public during times that the facility was not being used for training purposes. With that in mind, the Guntry Club was conceived as an innovative, warm and welcoming gun range and training space (think of Top Golf vs. a standard driving range).
The Club contained multiple spaces for all different users. There were family friendly simulator spaces, handgun and rifle ranges, a two-story tactical combat facility a cafe, a retail store and a VIP cigar bar and lounge. reform approached the project by opening up the large warehouse space while maintaining a warm, industrial aesthetic. While most existing gun ranges are small, dark, intimidating and uninviting spaces; the concept of the Guntry Club was to make the topic of personal safety into an experience where everyone feels welcome and comfortable.